Monday, April 30, 2012

Whirlwind Journey

So back in September of 2011 my husband Jake and I found out we were expecting our first child. Little did we know what we were in for...between all the doctors appointments, baby registries, baby showers, and failed furniture deliveries. The past nine months has been a whirlwind experience. Now I am going to try and catch the world up on my experience and on my experience on being a first time mother. Let me start by saying I am a pediatric nurse and with that being said, my husband thinks I am going to be a genius at taking care of a baby....WRONG! I am pretty sure it is totally different when it is your own baby. Not to mention I take care of kids and babies with cardiac defects...which we had a cardiac scare of our own. But more on that in a little bit. I have asked my husband multiple times if he is anxious or nervous about being responsible for a human life and he is very casual about it and says no. Where as I am scared out of my mind. This will all be new to us. The sleepless nights and having someone depend on you for everything. While we have a dog that depends on us for food and water, she also sleeps all day and all night. Back to our journey of becoming new parents. So we find out we are pregnant in September of 2011. From that point on there have been a number of doctors appointments. First, the OB. Starting out I saw them every 4 weeks up until I was 28 weeks. Then I saw them every 2 weeks up until I was 34 weeks. And now I see them every week. Then there is the perinatologist which I have to see because I am a type one diabetic. I see the perinatologist every 4 weeks. The first one I had to get rid of because of bedside manner. As well the perinatologist recommended doing twice a week non stress test once I hit 34 weeks. So that is an appointment twice a week. Now the first specialist thought he saw a VSD (which is a simple type of cardiac defect) on the ultrasound at 16 weeks and recommended I see someone at Sibley Heart Center. Well luck for me, I pretty much work for the Sibley Heart Center. So they got me in right away and I was able to see the director of the fetal echo program...BONUS. To our relief, there was nothing wrong with the baby's heart. Finally, the last doctor I see is the endocrine and I saw him every 2 months throughout the pregnancy. Told you a lot of doctor's appointments! Now because I had to see the perinatologist every 4 weeks that meant I got frequent ultrasounds. So at 16 weeks, we were able to find out the sex of our baby and IT'S A BOY. Ever since the heart defect scare...everything has looked good. He is on the larger side because he is long, but Jake is really tall and so that is fine. Currently, I am 37 weeks and 5 days, but who is counting! ME!!! I am counting the days. I have 2 more shifts at work and then hopefully I am off to motherhood. Next post will be on the furniture and bedding problems I have encountered throughout this journey!